Friday, January 30, 2009

Book Review - 3:16 The Numbers of Hope

A much faster read, obviously, than the last book I reviewed!  I had some reservations about reading a book from a non-orthodox Christian writer.  During the months following our family's conversion to Orthodoxy, I was involved in a bible study from a non-orthodox writer.  It felt odd, like I was betraying my faith.  It's been almost 4 years since our conversion and I was given this book for Christmas so I thought I would give it a try.  Keeping in mind that Max Lucado was my very favorite Christian author before my conversion, it is worth the read.

I did feel somewhat awkward at times... would the early church fathers agree with this?  But when I keep in mind that this is one man's take on the verse, I was able to read and enjoy.  This book is a focus on the verse of John 3:16... For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.  Max Lucado brings a warmth and humor to his writing that makes reading his writing a pleasure.

Now, as an Orthodox Christian, I'll review it this way... With Jesus as the cornerstone, the teachings of the early church fathers would be the structure of the building.  To this, Max Lucado would be the paint.  He definitely has earned his place among Christian writers and what he gives to me through his writing is fun, energy, and a joy in the teachings of Christ.  However, if I ONLY read Max Lucado then I would be stunting my growth.  I need the "meat" of the early church fathers but it's good to have "the sauteed mushrooms" (Max Lucado) to enjoy also.

In love and recovery,


Pres. Kathy said...

Thanks for the review - have a blessed weekend!

Bob Ogle said...

Thanks for sharing your perspective on non-Orthodox's nice to be able to take that which is of Christ and simply smile.

God bless...