Wednesday, January 7, 2009

On the Road Again...

On the road to recovery again, that is.  I've been drifting farther and farther away from the tools of Overeater's Anonymous.  Oh, I'm still an overeater... but for some reason, I thought I could just coast.  I mean, the millions of people who've been helped by 12 step programs are much worse than I am...right???? And they say you have to use the tools, who do they think they are????Um...well... I can choose to be one of the millions that have been helped or I can coast.

Coasting... an interesting concept isn't it???  I can only coast so long before I'm standing still once again.  Or, I can coast quite awhile... if I'm going downhill!  Ewww, that's not good.  Heading the wrong direction AND picking up speed!!!  And how many of us have coasted uphill???  I don't want to coast anymore... I want to live.

Thank you, Nick, for reminding me AGAIN!!!  May your memory be eternal!

In love and recovery,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You can do it !!!!!! I believe in you :)