Thursday, January 29, 2009

Book Review - The Hour I First Believed

Oh my!  Let me begin by saying that in regards to current fiction writers, I have two absolute favorites.  One being John Grisham and the other? Wally Lamb!  Now, take into consideration he only has two books out (now 3) and that says a lot about him.  

This latest book confirmed how I feel about him as a writer.  He brings something to the pages beyond the written word, he brings art to the page.  Now that I've given him such a glowing analysis, let me say that this is not an easy book to read.  At over 730 pages (and 4 children in the house) it's not something I was able to rip through quickly.  In fact, it took much longer than I expected.  Not because of the length but because of the topic.  A word of warning, this book is not for the weak of heart.  A main focus of the book is the horrific occurrence at Columbine.  And while this is a work of fiction, he did so much research that I found myself reliving the sadness and horror as if it had happened 9 days ago instead of 9 years ago.

This one goes on the keeper shelf.  Right next to my favorite book of all time... "This Much I Know Is True."  And one last comment I must share... Thank you, Wally, for sharing your talent with me... your books inspire me.

In love and recovery,

1 comment:

Bob Ogle said...

Nice review...I look forward to reading it soon...thanks for sharing, and have great weekend!