Monday, July 27, 2009

Homeschool - The Schedule Edition

Although it's been quiet here at the blog, it has been anything but quiet on the homefront.  The few minutes that have not been spent shuffling the family around to various activities and camps have been spent pouring over books trying to plan our homeschool subjects and activities. Although there is a little bit of tweaking left to do our basic weekly plan will look something like this...

Monday morning - Piano Lessons, Cleaning, Life Skills, Schedule Review
afternoon - Orthodoxy, Vocabulary, Math, Foreign Language, Writing, Literature
History, P.E., Grammar
evening - dance

Tuesday morning - Park time, Appointments, Orthodoxy, Vocabulary, Math
afternoon - Foreign Language, Writing, Literature, Violin
Physics, Geography, Computer
evening - dance, hockey

Wednesday morning - Co-op
      afternoon - Orthodoxy, Vocabulary, Math, Foreign Language, Writing, Literature
Nature, Logic
       evening - dance, hockey

Thursday morning - Liturgy, Orthodoxy, Vocabulary
   afternoon - Math, Foreign Language, Writing, Literature
Art, Citizenship
    evening - dance

Friday morning - Community Garden
     afternoon - Orthodoxy, Vocabulary, Math, Foreign Language, Writing, Literature
Music, Life Skills

Monday and Tuesday are more intense because we tend to be able to get more accomplished on those days.  As the week continues, we tend to not get as much done, therefore, I have eased the schooling classes on those days.  We will also have weekly hockey practices and games which are not accounted for in this schedule.

Coming soon... chosen curriculum and plans, garden updates, and book reviews.

In love and recovery,

1 comment:

DebD said...

You have Liturgy every Thursday? How nice!

I hope you'll share some of your curriculum choices with us.