Sunday, March 15, 2009

Book Review - Cross Country

I was wanting to leave my fiction reading until after lent but when I had the opportunity to read this book for free, I decided to go ahead and read it.  Since it only took me a few evenings to read it, it didn't seem to be too distracting.

This book is the latest in the Alex Cross series.  If you've never read James Patterson before and are interested in "thriller type" books then he is a definite read.  He's a little more gruesome than John Grisham but not too much.  It is possible to read the latest book without having read the rest of the series but a lot of things really make a whole lot more sense if you've followed the character throughout.  If you love Alex Cross... keep reading because most likely, you'll like this one as well.

Well, I'm off to begin something a little more "lent worthy,"  The Ascetic of Love.  A blessed lenten season to you all.

In love and recovery,

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